Friday, March 23, 2018

Your Blog’s Categories: How to Do Them Properly for SEO

Unfortunately, site after site we see has blog categories not optimized for search engine results. You can change your haphazard blog categories easily and get better SEO results!

When you or your web designer originally set up your blog, probably little was done regarding deciding on what categories to use.

Over time, as you published an article and a new category sounded nice, you probably just added it.

If an article fits into two different categories, you happily check off both categories.

This is how to make sure your site doesn’t get ranked as well.

When Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines look at your site, there is no cohesive site skeleton with this approach. The search engines see random categories and the dual categories cause the category silo to bleed into each other, further reducing your rankings.

Remember this rule of thumb; categories are like your website’s table of contents and tags are like an index. Use categories sparingly and tags judiciously.

How To Set Up Your Blog Categories and Service or Product Pages

Ideally, you create a page, not a post, for each service or product grouping you offer.

For example, on this site you’ll notice we have pages for:

  • Web Design
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic Design
  • Traditional Marketing

Each of those pages has at least 1,000 words on it.

We decided what to call each page based on the search volume of keywords and the user’s perceived intention.

Keyword Search Volume

How do we decide this? We load a ton of related keywords into and see which words have the highest monthly search volume but lower competitive results. This winning term is the low hanging fruit and can rank well. This term is what we title the page.

User Intent

You also want to get inside the searchers head and think what term would they use if they are seeking your services, products, or content.

Our web design page is actually called web designer, not web design because web designer is the term people search when they want to hire one. When they search web design it could be for a myriad of alternative reasons (to see cool sites, to DIY their site, to search newest trends, etc.)

Armed with these two pieces of information you can now create properly titled and structured main service or product landing pages.

Matching Your Blog Categories to Your Service or Product Pages

Now it’s time to EXACT MATCH your blog categories to your service pages.

Continuing with our example, our blog category for web design and development is called web designer, exactly matching the service page title.

Even the URL slugs match. (page) and (blog category).

Why do we do this? This is done so that all the SEO juice from the articles we write passes up to the main service landing page. This page is what we actually want to rank as the head of the silo.

With our special SEO plugin (which by the way crushes Yoast and All-in-One-SEO), we can have the category URL be canonically relevant to the main page. That means that the blog category for web designer actually passes all the SEO juice through the URL structure to the main web designer landing page. This is called hard siloing, where the URL link structures on your site carry forward the desired site skeleton.

Once you write a blog article, it’s important that you only select one category for it. Even if it can fall into two categories, pick a single one for this particular post.

Somewhere within the post itself, take the main keyword for that post and hyperlink it up to the landing page. This is called virtual or soft siloing.

If you link from an article in one silo to an article in a different silo, make sure to make that a no-follow link. Remember, we want our silos to be 100% clean and not bleed into other silos. This confuses the search engines. (You’ll notice we didn’t hyperlink all those services in bullet points above because this our SEO silo and we don’t want it to bleed into those.)

What If My Blog Categories Are Already a Jumbled Mess

Clean them up.

Here is a great video from Semantic Mastery on how that will ultimately help you, not hurt you.


Transcript of video:

Sam’s up is up Sam he says I’m using
virtual Silas structure for an affiliate
site one of the styler categories is
probably not relevant to the overall
theme of the site and it also gets very
little traffic so I’m considering
removing it all together to keep my site
more focused my question is since I
published a few curated posts in the
category and syndicated them with IFTTT
if I remove this post can I potentially
lose ranking factors for my site pages
in other categories if so how would you
suggest mitigating that thanks a lot you
could but it’s unlikely I know Jeffery
probably speak thoroughly on this but if
the if the keyword of the category
itself wasn’t all that relevant to the
rest of the theme of your site then it’s
probably unlikely that it’s going to
cause much of an issue by removing those
but remember you can always just go
redirect those URLs just use the simple
301 redirects plug-in I’m assuming it’s
WordPress site and then just redirect
the page URLs or post URLs category UI
was anything that was associated with
that category that you’re gonna remove
just redirect those to something else on
the site you know maybe put up a
standalone page or something like that
that discusses briefly what it was that
you were talking about in that other
category or something like that but it
could just be you know it doesn’t have
to be like in the silo structure or
anything like that but you can you can
still recapture or recycle I guess the
inbound links from those posts even if
you delete those posts just have to
redirect them so yeah yeah definitely
and Jeffrey I’m assuming you would say
if it’s not real relevant to the overall
theme of the site remove it right yeah
and the redirect works I mean honestly
it’s if it’s not getting traffic any way
you just want to go as broad as you can
as far as capturing all of the
conversation but you don’t necessarily
have to continue to create new
categories you can just add more
vertical depth in that category or so
but yeah I agree
I concur okay cool

How Do I Edit My Blog Categories In WordPress

First, click on posts in your dashboard.

using blog categories for SEO

Then click on Categories.

Once you are into the Categories section, you can retitle categories to better match main service pages, eliminate extraneous categories, etc. If you need help with the keyword research to do this, we have the needed tools and are here to help.

blog categories SEO

Next, go through your previous posts and make sure they are only in a single category that best reflects that post’s topic.

Finally, for those blogs that had more than one category, you need to 301 redirect the previous duplicate categories to the single one you’ve selected.

So get to work on optimizing your site, or call us to do it for you. We’d be glad to help.

Your Blog’s Categories: How to Do Them Properly for SEO was first published to: Moon and Owl Marketing

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