Monday, March 12, 2018

Cheap Website: Why To Not Let Your Nephew Write Your Site Content

We continue with the third installment our series on questions to ask before you let your nephew build you a cheap website. We continue today with the second question regarding your website content.

cheap website

Your Website Content

Make sure to ask your web designer/developer this question…

What approach will you use to write my website’s content?

Your Nephew’s Content

In our last article, we predicted that your nephew would either ask you to write the copy or he’ll take it from someone else’s site and, hopefully, adapt it (or else it’s stealing). We provided the first two reasons why that isn’t smart—SEO keywords and duplicate content penalties on Google.

Your Content with Moon & Owl

Here is how you can have much better content on your site.

3. Emphasize Your Unique Selling Position

Grabbing and modifying content from another site guarantees one thing–your business’s uniqueness will go completely unmentioned and unnoticed.

You went into business because you saw that you could do “it” better or different than anyone else. Why shouldn’t your website clearly tell your visitors this?

We’ll help you develop a clear, concise Brand Voicing Guide that captures your business’ “better” or “different.” Your site will have this statement’s idea woven throughout. (In fact, you can use it in all your marketing.)

Now, you’ll be set apart from your competitors.

Your customers will read your site and come to believe your business is the BEST MATCH to meet their need.

4. Share How You Benefits Your Prospective Customers

If you read most website content, it drones on and on stating, “This is what we do.” That’s the wrong message. People don’t care what you do.

Your copy should scream THIS IS HOW YOU’LL BENEFIT by picking us!

Potential customers are looking to see if your service or product meets their need to a greater degree than other available solutions. When your website content helps them trust that your business is the best choice, you just moved them WAY down the sales funnel. That’s nearer to money in your pocket.

Let’s use the page you’re currently reading as an example. Here is how we typically see this page when written by a business owner or your nephew.

We use our dynamic, proprietary processes of copy creation as a means to increase site’s conversion appointment rates.

What does even mean? It doesn’t plainly tell our end-user how it benefits him or her.

Instead, we’d write:

Your site’s content will cause your readers to click that all-important appointment button.

See how much easier that is to understand.

Even better, we’d quantify it with a follow-up sentence.

In fact, your site will have people clicking the button 35% more often with Moon & Owl written content our studies show.


So Call Us!

A cheap business website with poorly written content is a waste of money no matter how cheaply your nephew develops it. Get great VALUE with a Moon & Owl website design.

Our next Before You Let Your Nephew article will focus on customizing your call-to-action to 1) allow visitors to easily request your service or product or 2) if they aren’t quite ripe, to capture your visitors’ information in a friendly way to continue to build trust.

The following blog post Cheap Website: Why To Not Let Your Nephew Write Your Site Content was first published to:

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