Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How to Find Killer Content Ideas

How to Find Killer Content Ideas written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing

Whether you’re a novice writer or a pro, at some point you’ll get writer’s block and will find it difficult to come up with potent, relevant content ideas for marketing. If you’re in a rut, or simply need new topics to align with your strategy, follow the tips below to help guide you to new ideas.

Keyword research

For people who like to just get going quickly on content, keyword research can seem like a drag or burden that can that holds them back. However, the exact opposite is true. Not only is keyword research not a burden, it is a necessity that can be used to drive your content strategy and get you to your end goal faster than if you skipped it.

Once you have your marketing strategy in place and a strong understanding of your target audience and the actions you want them to take with your business, it’s time to begin your keyword research. It’s during this phase that you can determine key foundational phrases to build your entire online presence around.

The power behind keyword research for SEO is that it gives you the ability to understand the exact phrases people use to search for the products, services, information, answers and solutions that lead to them becoming your customers.

When you’re aware of what those phrases are, you can address the topics through your content and blog posts. If you’re new to keyword research and are unsure how to go about it, check out one of my previous blog posts which will show you how I conduct keyword research for Duct Tape Marketing.

Editorial calendar

Once you’ve done your keyword research and have come up with a dozen or so themes, it’s time to map out an editorial calendar of your content. This will help to ensure you’re in line with strategy, you’re staying on track for productivity, and that you have a guide for whenever you get stuck.

Great keyword research informs your editorial calendar and that’s why you should never stop doing it.

5 ways to find awesome content ideas

1. BuzzSumo


BuzzSumo is a search engine that ranks content, on really any topic, by how often an article is shared.

After I have my list of keyword phrases, I use BuzzSumo to see what types of content people are writing and sharing for my list of search terms.

With this tool, you can get very specific about the content you’re considering writing about in upcoming blog posts. Not to sound like your elementary school teacher, but it should go without saying that you shouldn’t use this tool with the intention of copying posts. Instead, reviews these posts and see how you can better them, make the ideas your own, and simply intersect your content based on the top results.

With BuzzSumo, you not only see how many shares a post has, but you also get to see which websites have linked to the content and who has shared it.

2. Keywordtool.io

This keyword tool helps you “find out what your audience is looking for” and helps you identify what people are typing into search engines.

The main reason I use Keywordtool.io is that it turns up actual questions people ask about specific terms. I think this is one of the best ways to find intent in a search phrase. This also helps me to start brainstorming about the specific content I want to produce. When you start thinking about what to write about next, answering questions you know people are asking is a great way to get into a blogging routine and attract your audience.

3, Google Search: Forum + Your Topic

I like using this tactic because you can find the hottest content threads in any forum.

Most industries have active bulletin boards and forums that people turn to when looking for information. People will often say exactly what they are looking for and what they are having a hard time finding. If you look at these forums enough, you’ll start to identify trends.

When I go into these forums, I type in “key term + forum” or “key term + board,’ and will typically find results related to the business or industry I’m searching for.

Side note: As most of you know, I’m a big fan of not only growing my own network but helping others grow there’s as well. These forums can be great for networking locations.

4. Quora

Quora Search


If you’ve never used Quora, go and check it out. It’s “a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers.” You can type in any topic and will find content ideas that you’re looking for.

5. Your sent email

You’ve probably answered countless questions in your emails and don’t even realize it. Go through your email and search for questions your customers have asked, how they talk about their issues, what they like and don’t like, and so on. You’ll be amazed at how many topics you can come up with.

These are the tools I turn to when I need ideas to write about. What other tips or tools would you add to this list?

from Duct Tape Marketing https://www.ducttapemarketing.com/content-ideas/

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