How to Create Influence with Your Writing written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing
Jon Morrow via Twitter
Marketing Podcast with Jon Morrow
The bar for content that gets shared, clicked and moved on is much higher today than it used to be.
In order to stand out, you must move beyond simple blog posts to content that includes severe depth, original data, stunning design or moving drama.
My guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Jon Morrow, one of the original CoppyBlogger writers, former associate editor of CopyBlogger and founder of Smart Blogger. We’ll discuss content marketing, writing, and discovering creative voice through thought.
The four D’s are part of what Jon shares as his secret to creating great contend and the most important of these is drama.
If you want to influence someone make them feel something.
My favorite tip from the interview is how Jon gets himself in the exact state that he wants the reader to feel – the target emotion – before he sits down to write a dramatic post.
Questions I ask Jon:
- How does someone go from Real Estate to blogging?
- What are the 4 Ds you much use to make your content superior?
- How do you get a blog up and running?
What you’ll learn if you give a listen:
- How a disability has helped focus Jon’s life on what matters
- Why you should focus on an emotion you want your customers to feel rather than a topic when starting a blog post
- What you should focus on more than traffic stats.
Visit Jon’s site at
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